Auto Fall Detection
The Auto Fall Detection feature can be added to any HelpAlert Service. A simple fall may have devastating consequences. It is highly recommended for anyone that is considered an elevated fall risk. Being able to manage this risk, has become an important issue in the medical care industry. Our Auto Fall Sensor offers peace of mind that help will be called without pressing a button.
How it Works
When a fall is detected, an alert is received by your HelpAlert unit. A call is now initiated to the monitoring center and the 2-way connection is opened. If there is no sudden movement or tilt from horizontal to vertical within 10 seconds, the unconsciousness alarm is automatically completed to the monitoring center. It is always advised to press your button if you are able.
How it Works
- Wireless Emergency Button with a Range of Up to 500 Feet for In-Home Units
- No Separate Pendant Needed for Mobile HelpAlert Service
- Pendants are Lightweight and Comfortable
- Can Only Be Worn Around Neck
- Waterproof Up to 5 Feet

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